Monday, September 17, 2018

American Totalitarians

Google is the face of totalitarianism in the United States. They are collaborating with the Chinese government on the implementation of their “social credit” system that collects data on what people read, what web sites they visit, who they talk too, what programs they watch and listen too, what products they use, where they go, deduces what they think and doles out social rewards in the form of privileges and punishments in the form of housing, travel, product purchasing, and other social restrictions.

It has been written that Google is being coerced into this arrangement so that they can get a share of the market in China, but this strikes me as piffle. This is Googles MO. They need a practice field on which to develop the expertise necessary to control a large population without the force of arms. As it is now, they only control what you see on line. Soon enough the controls will be more sinsiter.

Google claims to be the champion of diversity, but this a cruel hoax. If they did value diversity they wouldn’t have shunned and then fired James Damore, who shared their desire for gender diversity, but only suggested that they take another look at how to go about achieving the goal. Instead of welcoming the diversity represented by his input, they called him science denier, accused him of hate speech, and gave him the old heave ho.

As Google learns more about you, and gains more hungry and corrupt friends in government, don’t be surprised when like Harrison Bergeron you start to hear loud noises in your head every time you come near having a coherent thought.

But that’s just what an average guy thinks.

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